
Ryan Milush, 23岁

Doctor of Physical 的rapy student

Mount Union's program was an easy choice for me. From the very start they made me feel like I was a part of the Raider family and have only progressed ever since.


DPT, University of Mount Union
B.S., 的 University of Akron




I always have had a passion for helping people and I knew growing up that somewhere in healthcare there was a place for me. Coming out of undergrad I was indecisive about what I had wanted to do and so I took a few years to contemplate that big decision. After getting certified as a personal trainer and working with some incredible people, I figured out that I could combine my love for sports, 健身, and physical activity with my passion of helping people grow and evolve physically and emotionally. Being able to watch people grow and tackle some of their biggest obstacles is what brought me to PT. Find a passion for your future and embrace it. 爱你所做的一切, work hard to be the best you can be, and the rest of this school "stuff" won't feel much like school. It will all fall into place. 



Mount Union's program was an easy choice for me. From the very start they made me feel like I was a part of the Raider family and have only progressed ever since. 的 smaller class sizes have allowed for more personal interactions, a better relationship with classmates and faculty, and an increased understanding of the material. 的 悠闲的 feeling here doesn't make you nervous or anxious to be a part of such a great program and career. It only encourages you to work harder and help others along the way! So far, this program has highlighted how important everyone is around you. 的y make it very obvious that we are all here as a family and no one gets left behind. This translates well into the career because we are an interdisciplinary profession who will be working and communicating with many different healthcare fields. Communicating with each other is vital to having a successful career here at Mount and having a successful career in PT.